Hope. Strength. Empowerment. BIAW 2024 Survey Brain Injury Awareness Week Event Survey 2024 Did you attend the event: * Online In person Did not attend Please rate your experience of the in-person event at The Adelaide Convention Centre: Please share your feedback on the structure of the in-person event: * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The time of the event was * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Day of the week * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The event format * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The Adelaide Convention Centre * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Morning tea timing prior to the presentation * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Morning tea selections * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The function room * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The exhibitors * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A The Gallery * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A How long approximately did you live-stream the event for? * less than 10 mins 10–20 mins 20–40 mins 40–60 mins more than 1 hour 1.5 hours or more I viewed the entire event Please tell us why you were unable to attend: * Please rate your experience of the online event. Please rate your experience of the live-streamed event: * Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree There was enough information provided about how to view the live-streamed event * Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree I was happy with the quality of the live-streamed event * Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree I found the speakers to be engaging and represented the event well * Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Please share any feedback or comments you have about the live-streamed event: Please tell us what you thought of the quality of the speakers: * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Myra Fordham - Key Speaker * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Rowena Holmes - Clinical Psychologist * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A MC – Isabel Dayman * Excellent Good Neutral Average Disappointing N/A Please share any comments and feedback you have on the speakers: Have you accessed the replay of the event? Yes No Did not know it was recorded Thinking about future events, what topics would you be interested in hearing about? Please select all that apply: Personal stories of people with lived experience of brain injury Current research into brain injury Therapies and services available to support people with brain injury New initiatives in brain injury support or services NDIS/NDIA updates Other funding updates Concussion Traumatic brain injury Stroke Not sure I don’t plan on attending next year Other topic suggestionsOther topic suggestions Please share any other feedback you have on the 2024 Brain Injury Awareness Week Event: Would you attend the BIAW event, either live-streamed or in-person, next year? * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 - Not at all 10 - Extremely likely Please tell us your postcode (data collection purposes only) Where did you first find out about the event? Social Media Flyer Expo/Event I attended BISA website Google BISA Newsletter Word of mouth BISA Staff OtherOther If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Survey