Referring to Brain Injury SA (BISA) is easy:
- Fill in an Online Referral Form or
- Ring BISA on 08 8217 7600 and ask for a Service Co-ordinator
NDIS Participants
If you are an National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant we will book to meet with you to discuss your service needs and if appropriate, sign a service agreement.
Support Co-ordinators/Service Planner
If you have a support Co-ordinator or Lifetime Support Authority (LSA) Service Planner they can support you in placing a referral at Brain Injury SA. Ask your Co-ordinator or Planner to ring BISA for more information.
Getting Started
If you are unsure where to start you can have an appointment with a Senior Therapist who will help you identify your goals and access services to support this.
If you would like to access specific services only (eg. Physiotherapy) you can let our staff know, and we will help you get started without a goal setting appointment.