Upcoming Sessions in 2023
Management of Dysphagia: Training for Support Workers
- Register Your Interest today for Management of Dysphagia (date and time to be confirmed)
Understanding Acquired Brain Injury
Management of Dysphagia: Training for Support Workers
Management of Dysphagia (swallowing difficulty) within the community setting.
This training is a face-to-face interactive learning opportunity, facilitated by our Speech Pathologist, within a supportive group dynamic to reinforce the concepts presented in the e-learning module “Supporting Safe and Enjoyable Meals” (NDIS Practice Standard learning module).
The training will include:
- Practical solutions and resources to support with dysphagia
- Food preparation and supporting client choice and control
- Practical interventions for safe dysphagia management
- Opportunities to explore individual challenges and solutions
- Peer support and discussion of shared experiences of working with clients with dysphagia
- Q and A opportunities to help support your personal situations
Key Learning Outcomes of this Training:
- A sound knowledge of the normal swallow
- Knowledge of health conditions that may result in swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)
- Awareness of the signs of swallowing problems
- An understanding of the importance of following prescribed techniques and strategies to use with clients with dysphagia
(eg positioning, 1 to 1 feeding, communication techniques) - Awareness of managing client choice with mealtimes
Course Information
- Who: Support Workers or Carers of a person with an ABI
- When: We will confirm a date and time with you
- Where: Brain Injury SA, or your location
To Register: Fill out Registration of Interest Form or email: info@braininjurysa.org.au
Each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance.