Brain Injury SA Disability Action Plan 2021–23
About Brain Injury SA
Brain Injury SA (BISA) was established to address the needs of people living with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) in South Australia and beyond. This includes all people who experience multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth, resulting in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. It can be as a result of accidents, stroke, brain tumours, infection, poisoning, lack of oxygen, degenerative neurological disease etc.
In defining its purpose BISA recognises the importance of providing leadership within the community on matters impacting those living with ABI, their families and their carers. BISA works to increase understanding of brain injury and influencing policy makers on issues of importance to create inclusion, opportunity and well-being in all its facets, driving change for the benefit of all those living with disabilities.
Services developed and provided by BISA are to enable people to embrace life after brain injury in ways that are meaningful and possible for them, and as defined by them.
The Purpose of the BISA Disability Action Plan 2021–23
BISA recognises the importance to drive change through meaningful action for and with people living with disabilities, supported by a legislative framework that prohibits discrimination at Federal level (Disability Discrimination Act 1992) and drives inclusion at a State level (Disability Inclusion Act 2018-SA).
This plan therefore has a combined purpose to both protect the organisation and its participants from discriminatory practice as well as proactively contribute to the creation of an inclusive society. BISA’s vision for such a society is where people with disabilities experience protection of their rights, respect for their abilities, and are given equity in access to opportunities and environments where they can realise potential and grow capacity for contribution, independence, self-determination and richness of engagement in all aspects of living.
Context in the Development of the BISA Disability Action Plan
This Disability Action plan embraces the initiative undertaken by the Government of South Australia to make social inclusion for people with disabilities a priority. It replaces BISA’s previous Disability Action Plan by incorporating its focus on protection from discrimination whilst growing its proactivity in driving inclusion.
BISA is an independent, profit for purpose organisation, governed by a volunteer Board of skilled, experienced and committed members of the community. It therefore acknowledges in its plan the vision and objectives of the South Australian Government’s Disability Inclusion plan, whilst interpreting the objectives of the legislation through its own lens as an advocate and provider of services to the ABI community. Its Disability Action Plan must therefore both support the intent of that of the South Australian Government and associated legislation whilst assisting BISA with its own strategic intent and the specific barriers to inclusion experienced and expressed by the ABI community, including family and friends of people living with brain injury.
The creation of this Disability Action Plan also considers the following legislative or accountability framework.
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
- Disability Services Act 1986 Cwth (DSA)
- National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 Cwth
- Human Rights Framework
- National Disability Strategy (NDS)
Key Plan Objectives
Inclusion through improved understanding
Aligned with creating an inclusive community for all, Brain Injury SA identifies the importance of growing knowledge of brain injury within the community to enhance understanding and accommodation of its impact in all areas within the community in which a person may engage.
Inclusion through influence and ownership
Recognising the importance of the voice of the ABI community being heard in the directions taken by an organisation set up to meet their needs, Brain Injury SA works to grow mechanisms through which services develop in collaboration with their users, utilising consultation as an active ingredient and driver of organisational direction, and ensuring representation of need in advocacy is accurate and current.
Inclusion through design
Beyond purely physical accessibility, Brain Injury SA is committed to creating a safe space where brain injury is understood and engagement with the organisation is on the terms of the person living with brain injury, supporting increased safety and accessibility within the broader community by advocating on provisions needed through demonstration of what is possible.
Inclusion through employment
Brain Injury SA is committed to supporting the ABI community achieve inclusion in all aspects of their interests and capacity, with a particular recognition of the importance of obtaining or regaining employment as a significant driver of independence and social connection. As an organisation it is committed to growing opportunities for learning and skill development within its operations, up to and including employment of people living with brain injury, creating opportunities and measuring its achievements.
Development of Action
To be developed through consultative process, with clear actions, timeframes and measurement established.
Resources and mechanisms to be developed in line with Action Planning.
Review and Evaluation
To be developed in line with the above.