Getting Started
In 1991 a group of people who had experienced brain injury, their families, interested professionals and community members came together to form an organisation in South Australia that would address issues for persons with an acquired brain injury (ABI).
They recognised the importance of increasing the understanding within the community of the complex and often hidden nature of brain injury, with the resulting challenges to those experiencing it in accessing the specialist services they need.
Brain Injury Network of South Australia was established that same year and applied for recognition as a public benevolent institution in April 1992. The organisation was incorporated in September 1992 and initially operated out of premises at Julia Farr Services with Dawn Brooks as the first Executive Officer (EO from 1992–2008).
Since then, Brain Injury Network of South Australia has continued to evolve its role and service delivery, responding to the needs of those affected by acquired brain injury in South Australia.
At the AGM in November 2015 Brain Injury Network of South Australia officially changed their name to Brain Injury SA (BISA), which is how it known today.
Brain Injury SA Today
In recent times, funding changes have allowed BISA to strengthen and expand its services delivered to a variety of funding providers including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Lifetime Support Authority and Return to Work SA. Now operating with a diverse team of Allied Health and disability specialist staff, we work with individuals and their families to help them achieve their goals and manage their needs following brain injury.
In 2019 we opened two new major sites of service delivery North and South of the city, in Elizabeth and Noarlunga and in 2020 expanded our reach through the provision of online services.
As a dynamic organisation we pursue ways to empower and support people living with an ABI across all aspects of their lives, delivering services and programs that represent best practice in our specialist field.
Our Vision is for people to embrace life after brain injury.
Brain Injury SA continues to be recognised as the peak body in South Australia for people with an acquired brain injury, and those who care for them. It engages with and advocates for people with an ABI and their families, service providers, ABI specialists, and people and agencies that are interested in the impact of ABI in South Australia.