Brain Injury SA continues its partnership with Brain Injury Tasmania to deliver their innovative new project Employ Me to people with ABI in South Australia for a second year.
The Employ Me Project is centred around capacity building, resulting in a tailored video for each participant. The video provides participants the opportunity to:
- discuss their employment interests, skills and experience;
- disclose how their brain injury and/or disability impacts them; and
- establish their expectations of any employment-related supports they may require.
For employers, the videos provide an insight into how an individual may fit into their work environment, and an understanding of any work-place adjustments that may be required.
Although the video is an important output, feedback from participants indicates that employment exploration tasks were an equally important part of the process.
Identified benefits of the program included:
- Refining participants’ ideas of work opportunities that would interest them.
- Building confidence, including meeting new people and attending new and different places.
- Considering how participants want people to interact with them.
- Building work skills and life skills.
- Establishing the level of disclosure about their brain injury and/or disability they are comfortable with.
- Identify any workplace supports they require to make employment successful.
So far, we have had several participants join the individualised Employ Me program, with 9 of these completing the final stage and finishing their video resume.