Nominations are now open for the Brain Injury SA Service Excellence Award and the Brain Injury SA Outstanding Achievement Award.
The awards are a part of our celebrations during BIAW, and one winner in each category will be announced during the launch of BIAW on August 21.
Do you know someone who deserves an award for exceptional achievements, who shows commitment and outstanding support to people with Acquired Brain Injury?
The Service Excellence Award will recognise an individual who has made a significant, tangible and extraordinary contribution to people living with ABI during the past 12 months.
The Outstanding Achievement Award will be awarded to an individual who has accomplished specific and important goals, in their own personal journey during the past 12 months, in dealing with the effects of Acquired Brain Injury.
There will be one winner in each category who will be selected by Brain Injury SA’s selection committee.
If you would like to nominate someone, nominations must be received no later than August 7.
Nomination forms are available to download below or you can call the Brain Injury SA office and we will post one out to you.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact Brain Injury SA on or call on 8217 7600.