What is a traumatic brain injury?
A traumatic brain injury is damage to the brain caused by an external force. It can include be either a closed injury or in some circumstances an object may penetrate the skull causing an open head injury.
Common causes of TBI are falls, assault, road trauma, sporting accidents, and workplace injuries.
Damage can be in the form of bruising, tearing and / or twisting of the neurons as well as bleeds within the brain. People can also experience secondary complications which can include brain swelling, raised pressure within the brain and lack of oxygen. Injury can occur at the site of impact and on the opposite side from the rapid acceleration and deceleration of the brain within the skull. Commonly people experience diffuse axonal injury, referring to widespread damage to the brain’s white matter.
Injuries are usually classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
Common challenges after a TBI include:
- Fatigue (physical and cognitive)
- Cognitive difficulties (memory, concentration, attention, problem solving, reasoning, planning etc.)
- Changes to emotional regulation (feeling angry, sad, frustration, lacking impulse control etc.)
- Sensory symptoms, including sensitivity and sensory overload
- Communication difficulties (difficulty finding words, following conversations, initiating, and participating in conversation etc.)
- Changes to physical ability, including reduced balance, coordination and strength
How do we work with/support people after TBI?
We support people with a TBI by providing an individualised approach to help them meet their goals. This is most effective when all the therapists work closely together with the individual (inter-disciplinary framework). We work closely with the individual and their supports to build understanding, self-management strategies, improve daily functioning and independence. This may include helping them to adjust to the changes and find new purpose and meaning in life.
The team may include:
You can find more information on about TBI at these websites: