Do you want to be connected with a mentor with lived experience of an acquired brain injury (ABI)?
All Hub Locations: 5 sessions, over 5 weeks
What is Peer Mentoring?
Peer mentoring is a type of mentorship, that takes place between two people who have lived experience of an acquired brain injury who meet as equals.
One of the participants of the pair is newer to the experience of ABI, and the other has longer lived experience, and has been trained as a mentor to support someone going through a similar journey to their own.
How can a Peer Mentoring program support you?
The program aims to reduce isolation and promote optimism and hope after brain injury through 1:1 Peer Mentoring with a mentor with a lived experience.
This program enables you to:
- Talk to someone that really ‘gets it’ through their own experience of brain injury
- Hear someone else’s story, and the things they did that helped them
- Ask questions to someone who understands and knows first-hand the challenges of life with ABI
- Talk about topics that are meaningful and important to you related to your on-going recovery
- Work on something you want to focus on, or talk about your hopes for the future
- Make a connection with someone who has a similar experience to yours, but is further along in their recovery journey
Course Information
- Who: People who have an ABI
- When: 5 sessions over 5 weeks.
- Time: To be advised – more information coming soon.
- Where: This program is offered flexibly at a convenient location to you, or can be facilitated at our North, South or City sites.
To Register: Contact Eliza Kavanagh to register your interest in the Peer Mentoring Program via email: