Be Well Plan
Online: 6-week course starting 4 May 2023
What is the Be Well Plan?
Be Well Plan is the latest mental health and wellbeing training program from Be Well Co, an entity of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), ranked number 40 in the world’s top research institutes.
Be Well Plan helps you better understand your own mental health and introduces you to tools and activities that are scientifically proven to improve your mental wellbeing.
What will I get out of it?
Be Well Plan provides you with the tools to develop a personalised mental health and wellbeing strategy tailored to your psychological health profile and your current life circumstances.
You will walk away with a tailored plan comprising self-selected activities from a collection of evidence-based resources to help you deal with stress, build wellbeing and resilience and be your best possible self.
What will I get out of it?
Be Well Plan provides you with the tools to develop a personalised mental health and wellbeing strategy tailored to your psychological health profile and your current life circumstances.
You will walk away with a tailored plan comprising self-selected activities from a collection of evidence-based resources to help you deal with stress, build wellbeing and resilience and be your best possible self.
What is the format and duration?
Be Well Plan is delivered over 6 weekly sessions x 2 hours each week.
- Session 1 and 2: Building a wellbeing foundation
- Session 3: Using your wellbeing profile
- Session 4: Exploring your resources and challenges
- Session 5: Managing stress and building resilience
- Session 6: Living your Be Well Plan
Course Information
- Who: Families and Carers of People who have an Acquired Brain Injury
- When: Thursdays for 6-weeks (4, 11, 18, 25 May and 1, 8 June 2023)
- Time: 5 – 7 pm
- Where: Online
To Register: Call Reception on 8217 7600 or Online Registration Form.
Bookings are essential.
For more information please contact us.
“The results are clear – Be Well Plan is proven to improve mental health outcomes including increasing wellbeing and resilience and reducing distress.”
SAHMRI evaluation of Be Well Plan
Be Well Plan Evidence
Be Well Plan was developed by world leading wellbeing and mental health researchers from SAHMRI and Flinders University’s Orama Institute for Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Drawing on the best available evidence from around the world, SAHMRI conducted a metaanalysis (a ‘study of studies’) including over 400 studies of psychological programs, to understand the most effective ways to improve mental wellbeing. This resulted in the activities presented in the Be Well Plan, which are available to you in an easy to apply format.
Be Well Plan was also informed by SAHMRI’s experience over 6 years in delivering wellbeing and resilience programs to over 5,000 people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Be Well Plan has been proven to be effective in three separate studies, including a ‘Randomised Control Trial’ (which is the gold- standard of testing)*
Be Well Technology
A unique feature of the Be Well Programs is their integration with technology.
Be Well Tracker
As a Be Well Program participant you will have the opportunity to take an online measure of your mental health and wellbeing using the Be Well Tracker. You will receive confidential insights into your mental health in 6 key areas: wellbeing, resilience, anxiety, stress, mood and health. The Be Well Tracker is available to you as a resource to track your mental wellbeing over time.
Be Well Plan Mobile App
The Be Well Plan App gives you access to tools and activities right in the palm of your hand to help you develop your own unique Be Well Plan to build your mental health.
*Please note evaluation of Be Well Programs to date has been of the Be Well Plan. Be Well Foundations and Be Well Masterclasses are to be evaluated by SAHMRI, Flinders University and Be Well Co research, with data on their effectiveness due to be available in 2022.