Brain Injury SA is presenting a compelling line-up of experts who will share their knowledge and experiences of acquired brain injury (ABI) in the 2016 Assuming Control program. This year’s […]
Choice and Control
Client and caregiver perspectives informing best practice Want to be involved in research that will be helpful for improving the lives of people who experience an injury and their family […]
Disability Engagement and Consultation Register
Disability SA consult through the Disability Register for advice about disability issues. Many people on the register have a lived experience of disability, either as someone with disability, or as […]
Program now available for young South Australians living with cognitive disability and ABI
Brain Injury SA is thrilled to introduce a new program that will enable 100 South Australians living with acquired brain injury (ABI) or a disability that affects cognitive functioning to […]
$1m grant a huge win for young people living with cognitive disability and ABI
Young South Australians with cognitive disability, including acquired brain injury (ABI), are the big winners of a one million dollar Federal Government grant awarded to Brain Injury SA in March […]
Young Stroke Survivors | SBS
It kills more men than prostate cancer, more women than breast cancer and it impacts one in six Australians. The Feed spoke to young survivors of one of Australia’s biggest […]