A range of different groups to support people with acquired brain injury (ABI) in their journey of understanding, acceptance and wellbeing.
This Service is for:
Adjusting to the impact of brain injury takes time and the opportunity to gather information at a speed you can absorb it. Adjustment can be greatly assisted by working through things with others who have had a similar experience of injury or who have specialist therapeutic knowledge to guide you.
Brain Injury SA (BISA) offers a range of different groups to support you in your journey of understanding and acceptance, some time limited and some ongoing to provide you with a social platform to check in and learn new skills to enhance your wellbeing.
Reconnect Transition Program and BISE Group are jointly funded by the Lifetime Support Authority and BISA.
We offer a variety of different groups to bring people together in their journey of living with an acquired brain injury (ABI).
Once a group is ready to accept registrations of interest, times, dates and locations will be publicised via our website, social media and in our newsletter – approximately a month before starting the group, with a corresponding interest form to complete if you wish to be involved.
If more groups are added throughout the year, we will be sure to share these changes also through our newsletter and social media as well as updates added to our website.
RTP – Reconnect Transition Program
A 10-week program of education and support.
BISE Group – Brain Injury Support and Education Group
Monthly session that brings people together. Sharing tips and experiences for managing challenges associated with ABI and improving wellbeing.
Bowling Group
Social and therapeutic bowling group, facilitated by an Occupational Therapist.
Balance Group
Working towards improving balance, mobility and reducing falls risk in a group setting.