Assistance to create a clear pathway to employment after brain injury.
This Service is for:
Following brain injury, people need to support to transition back to work or pursue new types of employment better suited to their capacity.
This process can require expert help to enable the person unpack and understand their capacity now and into the future. Neuroplasticity is the process with which the brain makes adjustment to manage injury, creating new learning and developing capacity over time.
If you are an employer wanting to support one of your staff return to or create a new work identity, there are many things you can do. If it is a work-related injury the person may be funded to have a range of assistance to identify their work capacity and jobs they can do at the same or different workplace. If it is not a work-related injury, you may still want to maximise the help you can offer the person.
What Employers Can Do
If you are anticipating the person being able to return to their previous job or not, as their current or most recent employer you can support them.
- You can work with Allied Health professionals assisting in rehabilitation for the person to plan, support and test a return to all or part of their previous job.
- You can offer your staff education on how to understand and support a person with brain injury and assist them continue their rehabilitation over time including in the workplace. This can include addressing the invisibility of the injury, and the complexity of its impact.
- Through their work history with you can provide a reference as to what they have done in the past, their work contributions and team engagement.
- You can provide an opportunity for them to try other areas of your workplace to test their stamina and aptitude for new areas of work. This does not need to mean you have a vacancy, just an interest in supporting the person find their way back to work after injury.
- You may have networks with other employers who can provide opportunities or who may have vacancies in areas of work that might suite the person.
Services Available
Brain Injury SA may be able to assist you in any of the above through the services and expertise available.
It may be possible for this to be funded through a Return to Work plan, or an NDIS plan. In certain circumstances there may be no charge for this service.
Alternatively, it may be a service that you as an Employer wish to pay for in order to support the well-being of your employees.
BISA would be happy to discuss with you any service needs you are identifying and ways solutions can be found.