Brain Injury SA’s Advocacy Service works to provide a voice for people living with acquired brain injury at times when they need help and support and may not be able to speak up for themselves.
This Service is for:
We provide a state-wide Advocacy Service that promotes the individual’s right to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making.
Our Advocates work on behalf of a person with ABI to help them to speak out and defend their rights and interests. We support them to seek the best available outcome of their complaint or issue.
Our aim is to safeguard the rights of people with ABI and overcome barriers that impact on their ability to participate in the community.
The service provides individual advocacy, promotes self-advocacy and drives systemic change for people with living with ABI.
Brain Injury SA’s advocates assist people with complex, specialised and often serious issues. This includes supporting them:
- to express their desired outcome and how they would like the matter resolved;
- to understand their rights and responsibilities;
- to resolve issues about government benefits, payments, pensions and support services;
- to access housing, education or other state systems;
- through discrimination, complaints and appeals matters;
- through tribunals for guardianship, tenancy and consumer affairs;
- to resolve complex service provision or complaints issues, especially where it is difficult for the person to speak up for themselves
Services can be provided face to face in our office, via teleconference (Zoom or Teams) over the telephone or via email.
Brain Injury SA’s Advocacy Service is short term in nature and provides support to address a specific issue. As there is high demand for Advocacy services, we need to prioritise the most urgent cases.
Where we are not able to assist immediately, we will discuss options such as referral to other services, options to self-advocate or we may place you on a waiting list.
We may not be able to offer support around multiple issues at the same time particularly if there are more urgent matters on our waiting list.
We aim to equip people with the knowledge, information and skills to effectively self-advocate where possible.
Funded through the National Disability Advocacy Program by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services:
Have any questions?
For more information or to make a referral, please contact us.