Rewire Groups is a Rewire Therapy Service available at Brain Injury SA.
This Service is for:
Why Do Therapy as a Group?
Participating in a therapy group can provide an opportunity to share the experience with others including the benefits of pursuing goals together and celebrating achievements. For some, this can make therapy more fun and enjoyable through the social nature of coming together.
How do Therapy Groups Work?
Rewire provides therapy groups when needs are identified, and interest is expressed on joining a group by participants. Groups have a particular focus, e.g.
- Increasing upper limb function
- eating well for brain health
- preparing for employment
- fun fitness for mobility
and are run by an appropriate qualified Therapist. Sometimes they are run for a set number of sessions, others might run indefinitely on a regular basis.
What is the Cost of Therapy Groups?
Charges for group attendance are based on a minimum number of three participants and if more participants are involved additional staffing or student support may be involved to ensure participants receive an appropriate level of individual attention. However, there are never more than six participants to ensure the group can deliver the right level of therapeutic benefit and people in the group feel connected to each other. The time length of a group may vary according to its purpose, but is usually between 1–2 hours.
Cost of therapy group attendance does vary according to the type of therapist involved, but the therapy charge is shared between those participating. Our cancellation policy will apply if people are unable to attend groups in which they are booked to attend.
What Therapy Groups Are Currently Available?
These vary over time and are run according to the collective needs of our participants. Speak to your therapist if you have an interest in participating in a group. Alternatively, BISA will inform you of planned or existing groups that you might be interested in attending and would be of benefit to you in achieving your goals.
Have any questions?
For more information or to make a referral, please contact us.