A therapy service that helps people to embrace life after brain injury.
This Service is for:
Acquire Brain Injury (ABI) is the “multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth. It results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. It can be as a result of accidents, tumours, infection, poisoning, lack of oxygen, degenerative neurological disease etc.”
– National Community Services Data Dictionary (Australian Institute of Health and Well Being, Canberra, 2012)
About Rewire
Rewire is a flexible, person-centred therapy service that works with an interdisciplinary team to help people achieve their goals.
The service is based on the proven neurorehabilitation model, which helps individuals with brain injuries reach their best physical, emotional, psychological, and vocational well-being (Winson, Wilson, & Bateman, 2017). This approach focuses on Neuroplasticity and aims to help people with a brain injury fully engage in activities they value.
Interdisciplinary teamwork means that professionals from different fields work together, sharing their knowledge to provide the best care for the client. This approach fosters:
- A shared vision and goals
- Mutual respect
- Collaborative work
- Open communication
- Joint decision-making and problem-solving
- The ability to resolve conflicts effectively (Rosenstein, 2008; Brown, 2011).
Additionally, research also shows that people perform better when given specific, challenging goals (Locke & Latham, 2002), and so by setting client-centred goals as an interdisciplinary team it can:
- Encourage positive behaviour change
- Increase client engagement in rehabilitation
- Improve functional outcomes
- Provide a way to track progress (Hurn et al., 2006).
Examples of therapy services available:
- Communication, cognitive, memory and social skill building
- Augmentative and alternative communication
- Support with mental health and wellbeing
- Functional Assessments and reports
- Home modifications
- Equipment and assistive technology prescription
- Skill building for returning to work
- Transfers and gait training
- Falls, balance, and dizziness therapy
- Pain and fatigue management
- Swallowing and mealtime management
- Nutritional advice
Why choose Rewire?
- Specialist knowledge in brain injury
- Person-centred and flexible approach
- Interdisciplinary team that provides a collaborative and goal-focused service
- We are a profit-for-purpose organisation that exists to provide support and advocacy for people living with ABI
- Therapy sessions can be held at a Rewire Hub, at home, in the community or via Telehealth
- Group sessions are available to compliment individual therapy
- Regional outreach services available
- Be aged 16 or over
- Have an acquired brain injury
- Have a funding source
Funding sources include the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Lifetime Support Scheme, ReturntoWorkSA (RTWSA), self-funding, private health insurance and insurance agencies.
Make a Referral
Rewire referrals can be made online:
Rewire Therapy Services:
Watch Video: Review Therapy Services
Have any questions?
For more information or to make a referral, please contact us.